Nowadays it's quite impossible to think how our life would be without the media, because it has become a routine. In our everyday life we use internet, television, radio, newspapers etc also because it is very difficult to live without them. 

Life without the media would bring us positive and negative things. Our social lives and activities would change: we would dedicate more time to our family and friends and our lives wouldn't just be a waste of time in front of television.  We would also have more time to respect nature.

On the other hand, life without the media would be very difficult because we wouldn't have the possibility to find out everything that happens around us. We could never know the real truth about the events that happen, because we wouldn't have any realistic information like newspapers. All the important news and events would be almost impossible to know without the media. Our views and opinions about different things would also change. We would concentrate on little things that happen around us like going out to a picnic with our friends and enjoying a beautiful day. We would talk about the things we find near us, things we can understand only by seeing them. It would be impossible to understand different cultures and customs without the media.              

1528404.jpg                                                               Oona Rossi